Origin of name Sulawesi / Celebes
Sulawesi, is the name of an island in the middle of Indonesia. The shape is quite unique, like the
letter K and traversed by the line of meridian 120 degrees east longitude, and also spread from
the northern hemisphere to the southern. According to wikipedia, Sulawesi name probably derived
from the word 'Sula' meaning island and 'iron' which according to him are found in the vicinity of
Lake Matana. On documents and old maps, the island is written as 'Celebes'. Tale of the origin of
the name 'Celebes' in Bahasa Bugis ...
Wettu rioloE, wettu pammulanna thee to macellaE gemme'na, no pole lopinna birittasi'E ri, i
makkutana lokka ko to kampongE. To kampong E wettunna ro, na mapparakai lopinna, ngi
masolang engsele'na. Na wettunna makkutana i to macella'E gemme'na, to kampong E de 'na ngi
pahang, pau na aga hatu. Approximately pakkutanana yaro to macella'E gemme'na, mappakkoi:
"Desculpar-me, qual é o nome deste local?" Yero to kampongE, ngi naaseng mold, "ta agatu
katenning?". Mabbeli Adani to kampongE, "Sele'bessi". Pole mappakoni ro, na saba 'asenna'
Free translation: In the past, when the first group of red-haired people who got off the boat and
went to the local residents who are working to make a boat. The group leader may ask the
Portuguese language that is not understood, it may be asked 'What is the name of this place?'
Residents questioned, because it is not understood, only guess maybe he asked what objects he
holds? With the population spontaneously replied 'Sele'bessi' which means iron hinges. Since then,
the red-haired leader noted the location that they visited the area called 'Celebes'.
One of the world's scientific expedition to Sulawesi linked by Alfred Russel Wallace who suggested
a line of demarcation on the flora and fauna that exist in Indonesia. Expedition also Snell
(University of Leiden) the study of subsurface conditions around Sulawesi to the Moluccas. The
second scientific expedition of the era used the name 'Celebes'.
Of particular interest is the local people at that time have not been realized to give a name to the
island in which they live. So for this, for the island of Celebes is eksonim almost the shape of the
letter K. Of Celebes subsequently evolved into 'Sulawesi' which became endonim to date.
In the South Sulawesi region emblem there is an inscription lontara Makassar language.
Written: "Kualleangi Tallanga Natowalia" typical boat image below Phinisi
Then freely translated into: "Once Abstinence Sail Into Tidal Beach Big Dipper"
But the real meaning of the word "Kualleangi Tallanga Natowalia" is "More Chosen Drowning (in
the ocean) than Should Back Again (to the beach)".
Celebes Sulawesi itself used to be called by the Dutch. Sele said to have originated from the word
'Bessi (iron dagger - Bugis language).
It is said that once upon a time the Portuguese arrived, he met a native who was attompang sele
'aka dagger (dagger care using lime jerus) *.
When the Dutch people ask: "What is the name of this region?"
But because the language is less disjointed, natives who were asked thought he asked "What name
do you hold that thing?"
The Natives then casually replied: "Sele" Bessi "
Well ... of the Sele 'Bessi is formed aka Celebes Sulawesi said ...
There used to be a Portuguese sailor Drop in Meet the King of Gowa Makassar and ask permission
to sail at once asked the name of this area, but by the time the Portuguese Facing the Face of the
King, The King is Cleaning Sele'nya (keris), The Well at the time the Portuguese inquiry to the King
in Portuguese that this area called What???, because the king did not understand Portuguese, then
the King Estimating meaning only that question, the King estimates that the Portuguese people are
questioning what the object name in the Hand of the King , then the King was answered with SELE
'Bassi. The Portuguese short stories was also noted SELE name 'Bassi was to name our area, and
they are more easily called SELE' Bassi as Celebes.