A General Overview On the island of Sulawesi
Is the name of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, which is in the middle of the island of Borneo
and the Maluku Islands. Has an area of approximately 174 600 square km, Sulawesi is the 11th
largest island in the world. In the State of Indonesia, the island of Sulawesi, ranked No. 4 after
Papua, Kalimantan, and Sumatra. In English, the old designation to the Celebes Sulawesi. Celebes
Sulawesi name designation for the first time use is the Portuguese.
Estimated, the name itself comes from Sulawesi and iron stake. Sula means island and Wesi or
iron that could refer to trade practice which is the result of iron ore mines located in the region of
Lake Matano.
In the map of Indonesia , Sulawesi has a form that is easy to remember. Shape of the letter "K"
which extends from north to south. Bordering the island of Borneo, separated by the Strait of
Makassar, and is bordered by the Maluku Islands are separated by the Molucca Sea, in the
northern border with the Philippines, on the south by Flores, and on the southeast border with
Based on the density of population in Sulawesi, following the order of 10 major cities in Sulawesi:
1. Makassar
2. Manado
3. Hammer
4. Kendari
5. Bitung
6. Gorontalo
7. Palopo
8. Baubau
9. Parepare
10. Kotamobagu
Sulawesi Indonesia is divided into six provinces, namely, the capital of West Sulawesi Mamuju,
Central Sulawesi capital of Palu, the capital of South Sulawesi, Makassar, the capital of Gorontalo
Gorontalo, North Sulawesi capital of Manado, and Southeast Sulawesi capital of Kendari. Central
Sulawesi is the largest area. Land area of approximately 68 033 square kilometers and sea area of
about 189 480 square kilometers covering the entire eastern part of the peninsula and partially
covers the northern part of the peninsula, and the islands located in the Gulf Togean Tomini and
several islands in the Banggai Islands in the Gulf of Tolo. There are 4 peninsula in Sulawesi
Indonesia, East Peninsula, South Peninsula, South Peninsula, and the Minahasa peninsula. Areas
with the highest altitude of approximately 3,478 m above sea level is the summit of Mount
Rantemario. The mountain is located in South Sulawesi.
On the island of Sulawesi, Bugis are the most dominant
tribe. Bugis can be found all over the place on the island
of Sulawesi. The majority of livelihood is Bugis traders.
The tribe upholds the self-esteem and dignity of Bugis.
Also with the famous Bugis Ship Pinisi . Pinisi an ancestral
cultural heritage of the Bugis.
Bugis addition, there are
also S uku Toraja, Sulawesi Island natives who inhabit the south.
Toraja tribe has a diversity of beautiful architecture and unique
culture. Toraja funeral ceremony. Is a very important ritual in the
life of Toraja tribe, because they believe that a person who dies
without the proper rites, the soul of someone who died would
bring disaster to the relatives of the family he left behind.
Islam is the majority religion in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Islamic groups that most Sunni Islam
Sulawesi. Christianity is the most northern tip of the peninsula in the city of Manado and around
Poso in Central Sulawesi. Other religions are still developing the cult.
Sulawesi is one of the popular destinations in Indonesia. A
wide range of tourist attractions such as the Gulf of
Kendari, Nambo Beach, Niagara Samparona and so forth.
The uniqueness of the island of Sulawesi, located on the
beautiful coastline, charming mountain regions, traditions
and cultural diversity as well as the beauty of the beautiful
marine park which is one of the best in the world at