Sulawesi biodiversity conservation

Sulawesi is an island which is very valuable for conservation biology because it has a high endemic
levels. [Note: Type endemic to Sulawesi means found only in Sulawesi, naturally not found
anywhere else in the world].
There are 165 species of mammals are endemic to Indonesia, nearly half (46%) in Sulawesi. Of 127
species of mammals found in Sulawesi, 79 species (62%) are endemic. Only in Sulawesi mainland
recorded 233 species of birds, 84 of them endemic to Sulawesi. This number includes more than a
third of the 256 bird species endemic to Indonesia. Sulawesi inhabited by 104 species of reptiles,
nearly one-third or 29 species are endemic. That means, of the 150 registered reptile endemic in
Indonesia, fifth on the island of Sulawesi.
Northern peninsula of Sulawesi (Minahasa land, Totabuan and Gorontalo) is an important area in
Sulawesi. This area is inhabited by 89 or about 86% of the 103 species of birds endemic to
Sulawesi and surrounding islands. Have you ever thought that there are as many as 38 species of
rat endemic to Sulawesi. Nearly half (45%, 17 species) exist in the northern peninsula of Sulawesi
Island. The northern peninsula is also home of 20 species of fruit bat endemic to Sulawesi. That
means, most (or more than 83% of the 24 species) are endemic to Sulawesi bats in this region.
Sulawesi has an amazing number of endemic species, only some of which will be presented here.
Maleo (Macrocephalon maleo) hoard their eggs in the soil and incubated by geothermal or solar.
Babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) has two horn-like tusks on the elephant. This horn is fangs, teeth
on the part of youth which then grow and penetrate the muzzle and then curve to the eye. Yaki
north, the crested black macaque, (Macaca nigra) is the largest primate in Sulawesi. Another
female yaki "giang" can not hide her sexual desire as the "Pongo-Pongo" swollen red ass. Anoa
(Bubalus spp.) Is a dwarf buffalo which stood at only reaches a height of one meter from the
ground to the back. Possum (Ailurops ursinus and Stigocuscus celebensis) is a type of marsupial
(pouched animals) that are related to kangaroos in Australia. No marsupials are found across the
west coast of Sulawesi. Distribution of marsupials stop in Sulawesi. Sulawesi civet (Macrogalidia
musschenbroeckii) is karnifora animal (meat eaters) are large in the world's most mysterious. Not
a lot of documentation drawings and writings about animals that are active in the evenings. All of
these animals can be found in the northern peninsula of Sulawesi.
Threats to sustainability
Populations of native animals Sulawesi are heading to extinction due to various threats. There are
81 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians listed in Sulawesi Red List of Threatened
Animals, published by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) . Poaching and habitat destruction is a
serious threat to native animals Sulawesi. Hunting became widespread because the Sulawesi take
these animals. But the biggest consumers and found in Minahasa Land Totabuan. Has been the
norm over there that people eat rats, Paniki, yaki and tuturuga. But if there is, wild boar, polecat,
ferret, anoa, babirusa also brushed flat. Sulawesi's all native animals can be found in the
traditional markets in the land of Minahasa. Market there Minahasa, its source is in Bolmong and
Gorontalo. Maleo eggs become targets of theft because many people make maleo eggs as a side
Conservation efforts
Catching wildlife and wildlife habitat destruction is both illegal and have criminal sanctions.
Restrain animals to be used as pets is also unlawful to serious criminal sanctions. Indonesian laws
protecting endangered species because the population of animals that fall sharply, leading to
extinction. Rescue efforts Sulawesi animals this can be done by asserting the law enforcement
environment for criminals, to stop the logging (legal and illegal) in forests become endangered
species habitat, stop poaching, wildlife eating habit, and actively participate in the restoration
effort wildlife habitat and breeding naturally.