The beauty of the Buried Celebes or Sulawesi

Actually a lot of attraction
in the province of South Sulawesi which could
we visit. Among others, is
tator or attractions Toraja tana, this
is one of the attractions
oldest in Indonesia. There we
still be able to see a system
ancient cultures that still
run the local community. not
wrong if Kemenbudpar set
region which was included in the
Tana Toraja regency, South Sulawesi
as the number two tourist destination in
Indonesia recommended
after Bali.
In addition to Tana Toraja, there are also beaches
Losari. Not tangung-hearted beach
This extends along the
kilometers to the west of the heart
city ​​of Makassar, precisely at Jalan
Comforter. This beach dubbed
longest table in the world. possible
people would be surprised and
wondered would mean nicknames
This, it turns out it is not excessive
This beach dubbed so by
because on every evening until
This beach is filled evening
with a variety of snacks typical sulawesi
south that are served by the
street vendors with tables
each. Visitors will not get bored so fast because it stretches
stall traders
almost along the coast so that we can easily select the table
that we will
flown. That is why objects Losari beach is a favorite place of
people in South Sulawesi
especially good makssar city youth, and parents with his
In addition to the above two exotic places there are many
objects that are very anesthetize the eye style
Sulawesi ground like a waterfall Bantimurung with "kingdom
of his butterfly" who are in
Kaupaten Maros, craft centers in Bulukumba phinisi boat, an
old mosque in the city
Palopo, and much more.
For those of you who can not wait to enjoy the beauty and
hospitality of the land Sultan
This Hasanuddin just took the time to make a trip.