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Tana Toraja
Tana Toraja regency capital in Makale are geographically located in the northern part of South
Sulawesi province is between 2 ° - 3 ° south latitude and 119 ° - 120 ° east longitude, with an area
of 2054.30 km2 recorded square. With boundaries, namely:
North is North Toraja Regency and West Sulawesi
Southern, and Enrekang Pinrang
North-East is Luwu
West side is West Sulawesi
bukota Tana Toraja is located approximately 329 km to the north of Makassar South Sulawesi
Provincial Capital through Enrekang, Sidrap, Pare-pare, Barru, Pangkep and Maros. Tana Toraja is
a cultural icon and tourism in the province of South Sulawesi is one of Indonesia's tourism
industry attractiveness, it is the potential for the development of production and economic
activities in Tana Toraja.
Topography Tana Toraja is a plateau surrounded by mountains with steep slopes the state average
slope is above 25%. Tana Toraja consists of mountains, plateaus, plains and rivers with heights
ranging from <300 m -> 2,500 m above sea level. The lowest part of Tana Toraja is in District
Bonggakaradeng, while the highest is in District Bittuang.
Geological conditions Tana Toraja more influenced by rock formations of the mountain Latimojong
covering an area of about 1565.59 ha, of which 48.84% is the rock types soprin sorrel. Rock types
in the area of Tana Toraja generally consists of rock soprin sorrel and soprin napalan gray,
limestone, quartzite sandstone, gradorir diorir.
Hydrological situation in Tana Toraja can be observed in the presence of ground water that comes
from rain water flowing on the surface of the part (run off) and partly absorbed into the earth
and up to the shallow places, and some as reach places in , which is often categorized as ground
In general, the type of surface water contained in Tana Toraja came from Saddang River which is
one of the longest rivers in South Sulawesi and some rivers flowing in the region include Mai'ting
rivers, streams Saluputti, Maulu rivers, streams Surame , Sarambu river which is generally sourced
from mountain springs. For this type of water is mostly used for agricultural purposes, tourism
(rafting) and households, while for shallow ground water can be obtained from wells dug to a
depth of about 10-15 meters with water quality sufficient to meet the health requirements. For
this type of water is used by most people as a source of water for domestic use.
Tana Toraja including wet tropical areas, temperatures average temperature ranges between 15 °
C - 28 ° C with humidity between 82-86%, the average rainfall is 1500 mm / yr to more than 3500
mm / year. Tana Toraja regency basically tropical climate with two seasons, based on the
The rainy season in the period October to March
The dry season in the period April to September
According Oldement, climate types in Tana Toraja is the month of the wet type C2 (200 mm) for
2-3 consecutive months and dry months (100 mm) for 2-3 months in a row. It is very supportive
of community activities in the agricultural sector.
Population in Tana Toraja is based on the National Socio-Economic Survey of 2009 was 240 249
people spread in 19 Districts, the most populous sub Makale 32 402 souls inhabit. Overall
population sex more male than female population, respectively 122 454 male inhabitants and 117
795 female inhabitants. This is also reflected by the sex ratios greater than 100% is 104%, this
means that of the 100 women there are 104 men.
Population density in Tana Toraja district in 2009 has reached 117 jiwa/km2. Populous districts
contained in sub Makale, with a population density reached 815 jiwa/km2, while the district that
the population density is low and the District Bonggakaradeng Simbuang namely 32 and 34 jiwa/
Most residents of Tana Toraja are Christian, in terms of religious adherents in 2009 recorded
155,966 Protestants, 44,483 Catholics, 31,164 Muslims, 8,616 Hindus and Buddhists 20.
Developments in the field of spiritual development in this area can be seen from the places of
worship of each religion.
The emergence of Ideas
In March 1995, the District Head Level II Tana Toraja express ideas about the need of holding the
seminar in order to determine the history of Toraja Toraja Anniversary. The thought initially
submitted to several officials and community leaders who turned out to be taken seriously. Input
range is obtained, whether positive or negative tone. This effort is necessary because when
referring to the experience of Tk Regions I and Level II Regions in South Sulawesi, the
determination of the anniversary was important in order to encourage the determination to find
the right momentum for strategic and local government and community together to move
dynamically in National development ongoing in this area.
Formulation Process
Ahead of the anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia 51st
1995, the District Head Level II Tana Toraja in committee meetings, in order to deliver a seminar
on the history and the anniversary of Toraja Toraja be in conjunction anniversary of the
Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia.
Ka. Kandep. Dikbud. Tk II Tana Toraja assigned to implement the plan. Therefore held a seminar
on May 16 and October 17, 1995 by presenting the expert / cultural leaders and community leaders
from District 9. The delegates from Sub-District was required to present a paper about the
history of the development, Aluk (Religion), and Indigenous Culture in their respective territories.
At the opening ceremony, District Head Level II Tana Toraja said that the presence of a vehicle
Anniversary Toraja is expected to strengthen the sense of unity and community and regional
government apparatus as well as encourage the growth of spirit to the task along the framework
of society, nation and state.
Various considerations and inputs submitted by the participants of the seminar, among other
events in the history of South Sulawesi Toraja society in general, as well as taking the comparison
of Regions I and several regional Tk Tk II in South Sulawesi, such as: Sinjai, Bone, Luwu ', Gowa
and Selayar on the anniversary of the Regions respectively.
In the seminar the drafting team was formed to formulate the end product seminars. The team
held a meeting six times and generate conclusions about the seminar Anniversary Toraja. In
conclusion it is referred two point formula that is an alternative regarding Date, Month and Year
So Toraja culture refers to the wisdom of the ancestors (grandmother Todolo) and a fighting spirit
that has been offered by the Toraja people in the course of the long history of the nation.
The formula contains a variety of events as the culmination of an important event in Tana Toraja
worthy of consideration by the Regents and shall be recommended to the Legislature to be
discussed and set as the Regional Regulation. The formula is that:
1. Dated 8 September 1710
September 8, referring to the end of the general strike Heroes Pong Tiku defense against Dutch
troops in some places. 1710 refers to the Basse Malua '(Malua Agreement') which occurs Eternal
Peace Agreement which is the symbol of unity between Lepongan Month To Tana Matari 'Allo with
Bone kingdom.
2. Dated August 26, 1247
August 26, referring to the fighting spirit of the hero Pong Tiku launch a general offensive against
the Dutch army defense that caused many casualties and cause the collapse of the Dutch defense
in some places. In 1247 refers to the Culture, Aluk and There 'is spread Aluk Sanda Pitunna in Tana
Toraja. Sanda Pitunna is a religious system that is the source of culture and way of life of the
Toraja people which is the determining factor of existence and identity of the Toraja people since
the beginning of the 13th century.
Determination Process
Thus the institution of the Local Government Toraja as products undergo a fairly rigorous process
of discussion at the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) Tk II Tana Toraja.
The discussion is done not only at trial but also to assign the Executive to ask the opinion of the
scientists in order to confirm the Anniversary referring to the dissemination Aluk Pitunna Sanda.
The scientists were among others Prof. DR Mattulada, Prof DR Mangemba, Prof DR Salombe ',
Prof. Mrs. DR. M. Paranoan, Mr. Julius Tiranda, Stanislaus Sandarupa DR.
Various meetings and discussions conducted in Parliament took place in an atmosphere that is
warm enough. Frequent disagreement, but finally created deliberation and consensus. The deal
was taken by a comparative overview given by experts pointing to the beginning of the 13th
century as a starting point Year So Toraja. Since deployment Aluk Sanda Pitunna in Toraja
generally known that the To Manurun began to spread to South Sulawesi in the early 13th
century. Based on some genealogy owned several community leaders, among others: Sangalla
'Kesu', Mengkendek, Sesean, Rindingallo Saluputti and found that there have been 25 generations
since Tangdilino period, Pasontik and Pongkapadang (Spreader Aluk Pitunna Sanda). The third
character and her children, in addition to developing Aluk and There 'to all parts of Tondok
Lepongan Month Tana Matari' Allo, they also mobilize communities to build Tondok (Manglili
'Tondok). Dissemination and preservation Aluk and There 'was developed through Tongkonan
institutions in their respective regions. Each Panglili 'Tondok form Tongkonan as the central
government and the implementation of the rites (Aluk). Based on the deployment Aluk Pitunna
Sanda, which then become a source of culture and philosophy of life Lepongan Month Tondok
Matari 'Allo, then Aluk is seen as a strong foundation in determining the starting point of the
existence of communities in the region Lepongan Month Tana Matari' Allo.
A Brief History of Tana Toraja
Before using the TANA TORAJA, popularly known as Tana Toraja Tondok LEPONGAN MONTH TANA
TANA new word TORAJA known since the 17th century since this area to make contact with several
neighbors in the Bugis area: Bone, Sidenreng and Luwu.
There are several opinions about the meaning of words such as languages TORAJA Bugis: TO =
People, and Riaja = FROM THE NORTH. There is also found TO Riaja mean the West. So in the
opinion of Luwu at the beginning of the 19th century when the colonists began to spread its wings
into the interior of South Sulawesi.
In 1906 the invading forces arrived in Rantepao and Makale through Palopo. When the colonists
arrived in Rantepao and Makale, they are faced with persistent Toraja by some leaders, among
others: Pongtiku, Bombing, WA'SARURAN which caused many casualties among the invaders.
Dutch government began to prepare his administration consisting of DISTRICTS, BUA 'and
VILLAGE, each headed by a local authority (Puang, Parengnge' and Ma'dika).
After 19 years of Dutch rule in this area, Tana Toraja serve as ONDERAFDELING under
SELFBESTUUR Luwu in Palopo consisting of 32 and 410 LANSCHAAP CONTROLEUUR the village and
as the first is: HT Manting. On October 8, 1946 by Besluit LTTG dated October 8, 1946 Number 5
(Stbld. 1946 No. 105) ONDERAFDEL ING Makale / Rantepao separated from the unoccupied stand
alone under a single government called tongkonan ADA '.
At the time of administration form (RIS) tongkonan ADA 1946 'is replaced by an emergency
government consisting of 7 people assisted by the agency that INDONESIAN NATIONAL
COMMITTEE (KNI), which consists of 15 people. By the Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi
No. 482, Emergency Government disbanded and on February 21, 1952 held handover to the
Government of the State Government (KPN) Makale / Rantepao is the ANDI Wedanan Achmad.
And at that time the area consisted of 32 Districts, 410 Kampung converted into 15 Districts and
133 Villages.
Under Emergency Law No. 3 of 1957 established the District of Tana Toraja the inauguration took
place on August 31, 1957 by the District Head who first named LAKITTA.
In 1961 based on the Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi No. 2067 I A. Administration
changed by removal system and the establishment of District Government District.
Tana Toraja at that time consisted of 15 Districts with 410 village turned into 9 sub-district with
135 Kampung. Then with the Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 450/XII/1965 Number
held on December 20, 1965 New Style Village establishment.
Based on the Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I on the formation of the village of New
Style, the following decree Level II Regional Head Tana Toraja Number 152/SP/1967 dated 7
September 1967 on the establishment of the village of New Style in the District of Tana Toraja are
65 Villages New style consisting of 180 Villages
Based on the implementation of Law No. 5 of 1974 on the Fundamentals of Regional Government
and Law No. 5 of 1979 on Village Governance and Implementation Regulation, of 65 New Style
Village is transformed into 45 villages and 20 villages.
Furthermore, by decree Level II Regional Head Tana Toraja No. 169 of 1983 dated 26 September
1983 was formed in the village and hamlet in the village environment. Further implementation of
Law No. 5 of 1979 on the Village Government, with the instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs
No. 9 of 1980 from 65 villages and the village established 18 village again next preparation by
decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 168/XI Numbers / 1982 dated 29 November 1982, 18
village to village Preparation definitive.
Establishment of the working area of District Head Assistant Northern Territory. Based on the
Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 42 of 1988 dated 26 September 1988, has formed a
working area maid District Head North Region includes the District of Rantepao, District
Sanggalangi ', district and sub-district Sesean Rindingallo.
Furthermore, by decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 1102/IX/1989 number dated 11
September 1989 from 63 the village, the village was divided again 8 further preparation by Decree
of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 769/VI/1991 Number June 20 1991 Preparation of 8 village is
designated as a village definitive.
Based on the Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 601/V/1992 No. dated May 21, 1992 has
approved 22 Sub Preparation.
By decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 78/II/1995 No. 6 February 1995 had formed
Representative District 4, namely:
- Representative District Rantetayo
- Representative District Tondon Nanggala
- Representative District Simbuang
- Representative District Sa'dan Balusu
Furthermore, by decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 954/XI/1998 No. dated December 14,
1998 set up another 2 Representative District is:
- Representative District Bittuang
- Representatives District Buntao 'Rantebua
Based on the Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 68/II/1995 No. 20 dated 22 February
1995 from the Village Foundation has approved 15 Sub Sub Preparation be definitive, which is next
to the Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I No. 442/1996 dated September 17, 1996 has
passed into 7 Village Preparation definitive Village.
Of a number of village / village is divided again definitive Village 104 Village Preparation 10
Preparation and corresponding Decree of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 771/X/1996 No. dated
October 9, 1996 15 Village Foundation was formed again. Furthermore, by decree of the Governor
of South Sulawesi I 162/VII/1997 Number dated July 31, 1997, the Village passed a village 10
definitive and directive of the Governor of South Sulawesi I 163/VII/1997 Number dated July 31,
1997 to 104 Village Preparation The village passed into definitive.
With berlakukanya Law Number 22 Year 1999 on Regional Government which was then followed
up with Bylaw No. 18 of 2000 Date of December 29, 2000 the District 6 representative to be
definitive so that the amount in Tana Toraja district into 15 districts. Further to the Regional
Regulation No. 2 Year 2001 Date 11 April 2001 then from 238 villages in Tana Toraja and changed
its name to Lembang anyone experienced merger. Now District bloom again into 29 Districts, 73
and 195 Village Lembang.
Due to development and social development of the area that continued to increase over time,
then through Tana Toraja Regency Regulation No. 6 of 2005 on the Third Amendment Tana Toraja
Regency Regulation No. 18 of 2000, Tana Toraja is currently composed of 40 Districts, 87 urban
villages and 223 Lembang, Based aspirations continue to evolve with the dynamics of the
community and the support and political will of Tana Toraja and support from various parties,
then through a long process ended on 21 July 2008, set Act - Act No. 28 of 2008 on the
establishment of North Toraja Regency in South Sulawesi Province promulgated in the State
Gazette Year 2008 Number 101, thus administration of Tana Toraja region is divided into two,
namely the districts of Tana Toraja and North Toraja Regency Parent as the new autonomous
region which was inaugurated by Interior Minister on December 26, 2008, that the vast Tana
Toraja after experiencing a 2054.3 Km ⒉ division consisting of 19 Kecamatan112 Lembang and 47
Development of tourism in Tana Toraja is shown in an increased ability to promote economic
activities involving various sectors. Tourism activity is expected to create jobs, raise revenue for
the government and the people in the tourist areas as well as foreign exchange earnings for the
country. Tana Toraja tourism does have a unique charm. Cultural heritage that has existed since
the time of megaliths, give color and meaning to anyone visiting this area. Residents are friendly,
genuine and sustainable culture make Tana Toraja became one of 15 tourist destinations of
Indonesia as well become one of the icons Tourism Indonesia in 2010.
Management of tourism potential in the area of special concern to local government, it is reflected
in policy direction (vision) that the government's main objective is to make the construction of
Tana Toraja tourism as the second destination after Bali. On the other hand, support the people
of Tana Toraja very positive response tourism development. Many of the people who depend on
the sale of the work culture (cloth weaving, carving).
As a well-known tourist area, Tana Toraja has at least 8 leading tourist attraction with huge
potential for development. Each characteristic mimiliki sights and attraction, the eighth leading
tourist attraction is the panoramic andes Burake, Tongkonan tumbles Datu-Bebo, Agro Pango-
Pango, waterfalls Sarambu Assing, wall chisel Lemo, Sirope tourist, natural bath Tilangnga ' , and
custom residential Sillanan. Most of the attractions are the natural attractions, and some of which
are well known by tourists, both domestic and foreign. In addition to that eighth leading tourist
attraction potential is developed, there are still some traditions, customs and culture that is an
icon of tourism in this area that has been known up to foreign countries. The key is a tourist
attraction in Tana Toraja and handling should get serious attention by all parties as Tana Toraja
has been nominated as one of 23 sites in the World Heritage list by UNESCO Culture.
Tana Toraja is one of the districts that have cultivation of food crops that are very strategic in the
province of South Sulawesi. Raw vast rice fields in Tana Toraja in 2009 reached 15 671 ha. Total
the most extensive rice fields located in District Mengkendek reached 1,636 ha. Total rice
production in 2009 amounted to 75620.23 Tonnes with 15 671 ha harvested area. Corn production
amounted to 8376.40 tons with an area of 1,838 hectares harvested.
Plantation production in 2009 is quite dominant in Tana Toraja is the Arabica coffee plant and the
cocoa producing each ton of 2351.00 and 2277.00 tons. Production of forest products consisting
of Soft Wood, rattan and resin also is one sector which is developed by the people in Tana Toraja.
Large livestock population is dominant in Tana Toraja are cows, buffaloes and horses, in 2009
recorded 5,935 each tail, and the tail 26 665 4,167 tails. Furthermore, for small livestock and
poultry population in 2009 had increased over the previous year. Small livestock population
consisting of pigs and goats, respectively 6,701 236 577 tail and tail. Poultry population consisted
of free-range chicken, chicken and duck tails, there were 373 659, 53 986 6500 tail and tail.
Livestock in Tana Toraja, especially buffalo and pigs are characteristic of this area is used on any
Fish is one food to meet the needs of animal protein, but it is a commodity that is not widely
available in Tana Toraja. Economic activity in the fisheries sector is not a principal activity, and is
generally done only for household consumption is largely derived from the river and rice fields.
Fishery production in 2009 amounted to 1345.46 tonnes by volume of 14.86 tonnes respectively
obtained from rivers, ponds maintained at 7.30 tonnes and 1323.30 tons were maintained in the
fields. Distribution of fish production in Tana Toraja is sourced from the river, is highest in the
District of North Makale the lowest at 2.47 tons and 0.27 tons District Bittuang ie, that derived
from the maintenance of the pool, is highest in sub Mengkendek by 1, 44 tons and the lowest in
the District Rantetayo 0.10 tons, while that derived from rice, is highest in the District of South
Sangalla of 130.32 tons and the lowest in the District of Rano 14.60 tons.
The area of maintenance and fishing in Tana Toraja in 2009, is as follows:
a. Area maintenance (care) covering an area of 1022.12 ha, 2.42 ha pond with details and 1019.70
ha rice fields.
b. Trap area (keep) an area of 20.68 hectares, all sourced from the river most of the arrests were
in the river area Saddang.
Potential mining and quarrying in Tana Toraja, in the form of metallic and non-metallic minerals
can be found in the District Boggakaradeng and watersheds (DAS) Saddang as well as in several
tributaries Saddang. In a test of picking on one of the studies that have been done show that in
Paton Bonggakaradeng district north of the city, the area is flanked by the DAS and the DAS
Saddang Masuppu. In general, the area is occupied by volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks
adang Talaya which shut out of tune Toraja formation and structure of a fault bounded. Findings
symptoms was only a metal mineralization and uratkuarsa pyrite-silica thin, but of rocks exposed
on the surface does not seem any metal mineralization. Metal mineralization is found in the form
of lead in two quartz veins in andesite containing galena and chalcopyrite with copper metal
content of 0.2 to 0.6%.
Non-metallic mineral products industry located in Tana Toraja sand (river), gravel, limestone,
marble, kaolin, quartz and ziolit. Only river sand that has benefited economically from retribution on the PAD, while the new limestone and marble used for house foundations and road construction. Extractive pretty much found a potential ziolit and quite good when used for animal feed raw material mix, water purifier and others. Benefits of mineral deposition toseki contained in a watershed Saddang, this time by a new population is used as a building material but also beneficial as industrial minerals.
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